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A very valuable advice to a Mureed

Submitted by Sameer on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 09:49


'ap ka yeh kheT peRh ker dil khuwsh huwa. Heq teAala 'ap ki rehnemu'iy ferma de:n 'ewr 'ap ko Heq ko 'ewr Heqiyqettek puhcha de:n, 'amiyn. 

The way to get blessed with this guidance straight from Allah subHanehu is "mujahideh". Go against your  "nefs"  to make all your deeds and thoughts according to sunneh. Practice it under the guidance of a mutteqiy sheykh  who has gone through this track.

bendeh dil se: 'ap ke: li'e: deAa' kerta hey.



October 17 2011
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